So for those of you who have a family, knows how little time we have for even the littlest things like blogging. I haven't blogged in a year and a half, with having babies and kids in school, cooking, cleaning, and the other duties of motherhood, I've had no time to blog. But I've prioritized my time to make room for things I want to do. The best time saver for me has been planning my menus. I shop once a week, so I make a menu for a week, and most of my recipes are crock pot ones so even more time saved! This blog is mostly going to be a journal of sorts, just writing down what happens in our family.
Today as been more challenging than most. Wyatt our 3 year old, took a late nap so he was up till 11:30 last night. I stayed up late scrubbing the floors in hopes of removing a nasty smell that some how I can't smell but my husband and oldest can smell. I didn't get to bed till 12am, then I was up @ 5:30am to get my husband off to work, got kids up for school @ 6:30, so the day goes on. I was so wiped out didn't get moving till almost 10... So my patience was all but gone. Then I did something dumb and told a friend I'd watch her 4 year old boy for a couple hours. I had no patience for that either but we made it through. Wyatt locked Tanner in the hall closet this morning and he had to go in the corner for it. Oh my goodness! That kid screamed and screamed I finally turned on the surround sound as loud as it would go. I so wanted to scream too! Tanner thought he was being left out so he started crying too! Wow we all had our tantrums today! So when it comes to bed time, I'm calling in early! Yeah right! Somehow Mother nature knew I would be grumpy today so she thought It'd be a great day to rain. Well I sure hope tomorrow is better! I shouldn't have gotten out of bed!
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